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CACC’s Adopted Approach:
- Obtain a tip off, resume, CV, or a degree.
- All campaigners initiate separate or joint investigations.
- Initial findings submitted to the Justice in Chamber for review.
- Justice in Chamber drafts the report
- The report is endorsed by the majority of the campaigners.
- Publish reports on CACC’s social media pages before individual members can share on their personal pages if so desired.

CACC’s Agreed Definition of Keywords:
- Fake Degree– Degrees offered by degree mills, fraudulently manufactured/ acquired by the holder from a non-existing school or who did not attend the school that is said to have offered the degree.
- Degree Mill– Fraudulent businesses that claim to be legitimate higher education institutions and award certifications for a fee without reasonably evaluating any student’s work
- Substandard School– Schools that fall short of regional, national, and state accreditation combined.
- Degree Misrepresentation– Where a person legitimately acquired a degree from a legit school in a certain discipline, but extended it to discipline or areas of discipline not specifically covered under the degree program or specification.
Procedural steps for admission of new members:
- Expression of interest underpinned by
- Recommendation from a member (s)
- Due diligence lead along with team conduct background check in line with our values and recommends findings to lead campaigner or coordinator
- Lead campaigner forward findings to cluster lead for comments.
- Once the feedback is substantially supportive of admission, the lead campaigner submits the same to cluster leads for adoption.
- When inducted, new members are placed under cluster lead based on their area of proficiency.
Structural framework
- The CACC shall be divided into clusters led by a lead.
- Each cluster shall be responsible for a specific duty/function
- Current and outstanding campaigners shall be assigned to clusters as leads
- The clusters shall be coordinated by the lead campaigner.